
Meet Lucie Ritchie

Clinical Traumatologist | Registered Psychotherapist (QUALIFYING) EN/FR

Lucie works with adults who feel stuck in survival identities and helps them shift toward authenticity. She is a trauma therapist who takes a holistic, non-judgemental approach with her clients.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

Dr. Viktor Frankl

Complex trauma therapist in Ontario


Lucie Ritchie

MA| RP (Qualifying), Clinical Traumatologist certificate of completion| EdD candidate | FR/EN

Lucie Ritchie is the founder of Heal Podcast Inc. who holds a Clinical Traumatology Certificate of Completion. Lucie is also furthering her Traumatology expertise through her doctoral degree: Doctor of Education (EdD) in Community Care and Counselling with a specialization in Traumatology.

Lucie works with adult survivors of childhood/adolescent trauma to help process powerful emotions that can override executive brain functions. She looks to neuroscience as a base to understand her clients’ mind-body concerns, and she discusses intervention options with her clients to ensure that healing is a solid team approach. 

Lucie also assists with cognitive challenges that impact personal morals, she supports the development of a sense of self, and she helps her clients discover their authentic selves. She also works with organizations to deepen trauma-informed culture at work. 


Lucie works with adults who have complex, shock, or vicarious traumas or symptoms thereof. Symptoms of complex trauma include: social connection challenges, negative self-concept, emotional dysregulation, re-experiencing the trauma (consciously and/or unconsciously), avoiding triggers, and experiencing a persistent sense of threat. 

Those with complex trauma, or symptoms thereof, often have concerns with identity. They often feel like they move through the world with inauthentic personas and experience high sensitivity to triggers which can evoke traumatic emotions like intense rage, guilt, and/or shame.

With her empathetic, nonjudgemental approach, Lucie can work with you to help heal the brain and the body (nervous system) by renegotiating the impacts trauma. She works with individuals who struggle with inauthentic self-expressions which is often due to prolonged childhood maltreatment or long-term hyper- or hypo-vigilance. 

Therapeutic Approaches

Lucie brings a genuine, non-judgemental approach to exploring lifelong survival patterns. She uses the NeuroAffective Relational Model® (NARM) to help clients shift from their adaptation self into authenticity. She also uses Somatic Experiencing® techniques and follows Polyvagal Theory principles to track her clients’ nervous systems, as well as her own, while in session. Lucie also taps into Schema Therapy depending on client presentations. 

These modalities assist in the exploration of cognitive, emotional, and physiological processes that could be keeping clients stuck in emotionally painful and reactive states/patterns of the past. These modalities also assist in rebalancing the nervous system with the intention of healing the impacts of prolonged trauma at the roots. Overall, Lucie operates from a neuroscience, relational, psychodynamic, and attachment lens.

Organizational Consulting

Lucie works with leaders to assess employee and organizational culture through a trauma-informed lens. Trained in Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead Trained™ program, Lucie will co-create a step-by-step trauma-informed plan for your organization that fosters courage, vulnerability, and forward-thinking.

About Lucie

On a personal level, Lucie loves spending time with her husband and her 4- and 6-year-old sons. Lucie is a proud “sports mom” who also enjoys biking, yoga, weightlifting, and paddleboarding. Lucie also believes in the healing power of clean eating, restful sleep, prayer, and self-development.


  • Doctor of Education in Community Care and Counselling, Traumatology Specialization, candidate — Liberty University
  • Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology — Yorkville University
  • Professional Trauma Certification — Wilfrid Laurier
  • Clinical Traumatologist Certificate of Completion — Traumatology Institute
  • Bachelor of General Studies in Social Sciences — Athabasca University
  • Diploma in Early Childhood Education — Cambrian College

Certificates and Courses

  • NeuroAffective Relational Model® Therapist (candidate) — The NARM Training Institute
  • Somatic Experiencing® (Beginner 1) — Somatic Experiencing® International 
  • Schema Therapy Certification
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
  • Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™ Training 
  • Labour Studies (various courses): Laurentian University
  • Integrative Life Coaching 
  • Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy — ICEEFT
  • Working with Abandonment — NICABM
  • Polyvagal Theory for Trauma Survivors — NICABM
  • Working with Shame — NICABM
  • Sexual Health and the Trauma Survivor — PESI

Populations Served

Adults 18+

Services Offered

Trauma Therapy & Organizational Consulting

Lucie’s Areas of Focus

Complex Trauma, Trauma in the Workplace, Acute Trauma, Relationship Challenges, Identity Confusion, Authentic-Self Discovery, Adults with Childhood Attachment Ruptures, Transformational Change, Goal Setting and self-development, Emotional Regulation and Self-Esteem, Effective Leadership.

Languages Spoken

English and French

* Session Fee per Hour (plus HST)

  • Individual Trauma Therapy: $160

* Partial or full coverage by most insurance providers

(kindly check with your benefits company)

Consultation Offered

Yes, I offer a free 20-minute phone or Zoom consultation.


Don Edwards, RP, PhD of All of You Wellness Centre

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